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2023   I dreamed that I woke up, Szent Gellért Stúdió, Budapest, Hungary
2022   Meant to be Vulnerable, Gallery Limes, Komárno, Slovakia
2021   Contemporary INK, Possonium Art Project, Bratislava, Slovakia

2021   Lands of All, Giraffe Art Project, Bratislava, Slovakia 

2021   Alapállás, Zárdaiskola Gallery, Veľký Meder, Slovakia 

2020   Space for Peace, Búdka 22 Art Project, Bratislava, Slovakia 

2020   Here & Now, Giraffe Art Project, Bratislava, Slovakia 

2019   In the Eyes of India II., Bistro St. Germain, Bratislava, Slovakia 

2019   Joy of the Process, Maxman Art Project, Bratislava, Slovakia

2019   In the Eyes of India, Buena Coffe House, DS, Slovakia 

2019   Air & Perspective, Montmartre Cafe Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia 


2024   MERITUM, Gallery Corvin, Budapest, Hungary

2022   Lockdown, Gallery Limes, Komárno, Slovakia
2022   City Project, Ábrahámhegy, Hungary
2021   Connection of generations, Gallery Limes, Komárno, Slovakia
2021   Greetings from Felvidék, Gallery Agria Park, Eger, Hungary   

2021   Ellentétes kiterjedések, Szabók bástyája, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

2021   Felvidéki Biennale, Gallery Limes, Komárno, Slovakia 

2019   Christmas Art Mix, BU Kerametal, BA, Slovakia 


2021   Master Symposium of The Pannonian Basin, Romania 

Bio: Bio
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